In memory of my cousin, David Bruce Gundle

Gundle David Gundle David Bruce Gundle

February 13, 1960 - December 11, 2010

My cousin David Gundle died a hero.

David was the father of six and worked as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). He was killed in an automobile accident while on duty and was given the heros' farewell that he truly deserved.


David was married to Julie Burshears Gundle and his children include Heather, Heidi, Cody and Bradyn Gundle, Parker Wooden, and Katie Bauer. 

David is my first cousin, son of my father's brother Richard Gundle. He grew up in Louisville, but spent a couple of summers at our house during his teen years. Since we were the same age, we hung out a lot. We did lose touch, but reconnected again on Facebook a few years before he died.


Note: Recently a Gundle/Guthoerl family tree was started. Family members are in the process of expanding this family tree. For more information, see 




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For sale by owner: Great 4 BR, 3 BA home near Milford High. 1st floor master addition includes office.1.5 acres, pond, trees, flowers. $259,000


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