Deceased Family Members

My father, Donald Gundle, inspired me to start tracking family members after his story disappeared from the newspapers' death notices/websites. Click here for the special obituary written for my dad, who died in 2002. GUNDLE DONALD L GUNDLE DONALD GUNDLE DON GUNDLE DONALD LLOYD GUNDLE

Click here to see information about my mother-in law, Florence Krieg, who died in 2009. KRIEG FLORENCE FLO KRIEG

My cousin David Gundle, father of six, died in late 2010 while on duty as an EMT om Indiana. He died a hero, that's for sure! Click here for more information about David. GUNDLE DAVID GUNDLE DAVID BRUCE GUNDLE

My Aunt Pat Gundle died in 2011. She was married to my father's brother. Click here for more information about her. GUNDLE PATRICIA GUNDLE PAT GUNDLE

Note: Recently a Gundle/Guthoerl family tree was started. Family members are in the process of expanding this family tree. For more information, see 





Northern Michigan Shanty Creek/ Schuss Mountain Rental For Ski and Golf  


Milford, Michigan House For Sale 

For sale by owner: Great 4 BR, 3 BA home near Milford High. 1st floor master addition includes office.1.5 acres, pond, trees, flowers. $259,000


Michigan Death Notices


Dental Care Innovations




Education Articles by Donna Gundle-Krieg


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