
Choosing a College

Choosing the right college can be one of the most important decisions in your life.

 There are so many factors to consider when choosing a college. Does it have the program that you want to study? How many students are in the school? Is it near a big city or in the boondocks?  What kind of activities do they offer outside the classroom?

 Of course cost is a huge factor for most students, as Michigan colleges range from $1000 per year for a community college to $40,000+ per year for many of the more elite private colleges.

Which college is best for you? Each student has to make their own decision based on the above factors and more.

The very best way to find out about a college is to visit it. All schools offer and recommend individual appointments. However, open houses are a great way to get an idea if the school is a good match for you.

Click here for a complete list of Michigan colleges and the dates of their 2008-2009 open houses.

This list also includes location, number of students, website address, phone number and whether the school is public, private, religious, etc.

Cost is not included in this chart because each school reports it differently. In addition, the posted cost of a school is most likely different from what a student will pay, depending on scholarships and financial aid.



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